Need Advice from the Pros!
Hope you all don't mind me eavesdropping on your forum, but I came across it while doing some research and was impressed by all of the great information. I have a very specific question that I think only scrappers can answer. I just noticed that my kids' elementary school has lockers that are in great need of replacement. They no longer open and close correctly and many of the bottoms are rusting. In researching how to raise the money to replace them, it occurred to me that the old lockers may have some value (but I am completely ignorant in this area). So, my question to the professionals is: Is there any money in 300-400 old metal school lockers, some which are rusting? If so, how would I go about finding someone to sell them to and would the money gained be significant enough (over $500 or so?) to go to the trouble?
I'd appreciate any insight you can pass along! Thanks!