Scrapping with a Toyota truck ????
See those guys all the time with the toyota cab and modified bed or flat bed or cage in the back ..... I hear great stories about the 22r engine I have had a few V-6 toyota trucks and there were garbage . First one i had broke down once a week (i kid you not ) not to mention it burned more fuel than my 85 f150 straight six . My second one was like an 88 or 89 v-6 and same thing ... was the first vehicle I ever had to put in the shop cause i could not figure out what was wrong with it ... not to mention one double door fridge would have that bad boy scrapping the curb ..... I keep hearing stories about the 22r engine being in motorhomes , the moving trucks ,,, etc ... but for some reason the v-6 engines drank about as much fuel as a v-8 .... don't believe me go get one ... any here use one of those trucks :-/