Biggest payouts for me...
On June 25, I got a $296 payout from ewasted. I was THRILLED! Today, I went to a local yard and I got a payment of $402!! I'm VERY happy.
Just a quick price check:
Aluminum Heat Sinks went as clean extruded for $0.60/lb
Base of Hard drives went as aluminum cast $0.54/lb
Power Supplies without wire went for $0.25/lb
ICW#2 went for $0.60
Oh, and be careful...they tried to say my gold finger cards were "low grade" because they had capacitors on them. I politely asked the yard manager for a second opinion and wound up getting Motherboard pricing for them. I had taken off all metal on the ends where you attach it to the computer case (sorry, cant' think of what that is called).
I got high grade pricing for DVD/CDROM boards.
I did take a lot of low grade boards in and they only paid $0.08 a pound. I'll be taking them to the other yard I use from now least they pay $0.10 a pound for them and they are closer.
Oh, my stuff was very clean and they were very thankful for it. At the end of the weigh in, I was given a tour so I could see exactly how they like the stuff brought in. It was very helpful!