What an awesome lady scrapper I met today
So this other lady scrapper I met at the yard last week was there again today when i was and we were crowing over a hot water tank she had gotten in the front seat of her truck! Lol, she said she had hoped I was there so she could show me how she wasn't going to leave it behind for another scrapper to get - WTG!!!
Anyways, we got to chatting and she gave me some great tips about where to turn in batteries for $20.00 a piece which isn't that far from hubby's work place which is awesome! Beats 18 cents a lb!!
And she also gave me a tip on where to turn in tire rims if they still have the tires on them.
She reminds me of myself as far as the scrapping part goes - ani't nobody gonna get it if I can first!! lol.
Just thought it was nice that someone thought enough to give me some good tips.