Broken Lawn Equipment
What do you guys do with electric/gas weed whackers, blowers, lawnmowers that are not working and you don't want to fix them. I know I could probably sell the gas stuff to someone who could fix them for possibly more than scrap value, but not sure what to do scrapping wise for electric and gas lawn stuff.
I throw them on the trailer with the other general Light Iron. Some could be broken down to Cast Aluminum and Electric Motors or Gas Engines (usually classed as #1 Iron) but I don't bother.
Pull the motor off and sell that as breakage. The rest goes as tin/shred.
When I find an electric one that works and has string I'll post it on FreeCycle, some of the cheapest advertising you'll ever get ; )
the better ones goto one of my neighbors who likes to tinker with small engines. If he can fix them we sell and split the profit. Cant be fixed at a reasonable cost they get thrown in the shred.
On gas lawn mowers I pull the motor and drain the oil and sell as irony aluminum, the rest goes in the steel pile. On electric things I would pull the motor and sell it to the scrap yard as electric motors, the rest goes in the steel. on the electric things don't forget the wires and cords.