New Scrapper: Balancing the start up budget. tools, gas, etc
Ok well its been about a month and half maybe 2 since i started first picking cans, then to getting electronics, now for last 3 weeks including metal. I have only been to the yard once. to take a load of ferrous metal and got more than double what i thought i would get with a whopping $35 and some change. I am looking to go to scrap yard again this Monday to take my non ferrous and newly acquired metal items. Got fingers crossed hoping my visual estimate once again equals a double payout when i go.
Seeing that at this time i have a limited route ( radius of about 10-15 miles max.) and mainly its between places i am usually gonna end up going anyway (im an early morning shopper, post office, atm person lol) i figure for a week in my camry I spend an extra $10-15 a weel worth of gas scrapping . Not much overall, but when trying to keep the ledger it helps me figure out when and if I am breaking even.
Over the past few weeks i purchased a few items to help in my process
Drill - harbor freight about $15.99
Cordless Recip saw harbor freight about $35
Diagonal cutters harbor freight 3.99
security bit set - harbor freight 5.99
bit holder - harbor freight 1.99
12 inch prybar harbor freight 1.99
2 pairs of gloves harbor freight @ 1.50 each total 3.00
aviation tin snips harbor freight 3.99
adapter set that allows you to put sockets on your drill from harbor freight I think it was 3.19
metal cutting blades for recip saw harbor freight 7.99
so to round it up to about $84.00 so far
sad thing is I am probably going to harbor freight tomorrow and purchase the item # 91223 angle grinder with coupon for 14.99 along with the thin metal cutoff wheels for 5.99 in order to try to take the copper out of some of the items i have picked up.
I have purchased all these items cash, so no worry about credit or interest on them. The only other thing i can see purchasing in the next 2-4 weeks is a rooftop luggage rack that i can put on my car and some ratcheting ties which totalled together could cost between $40-75 . Along with some starter business cards im budgeting about $25 for that.
I figure when i go to the scrap yard for second time ever this week. i will have atleast broke even for what i have spent so far in tools and gas for the time i have been doing this. (there was atleast a week i was down because of a sprained knee)
Any possible purchased i might need (besides truck or van) that will help me with my scrapping
I figure If i have a good week this week, i should finally BE ABLE to make some real money scrapping lol
Suggestions please.