Heh.. So my wife just yelled at me for not getting a vehicle
So after 9 hours working on the house today doing a closet tear-out and all the flooring from the closet to the kitchen (Leuon and tile)- the truck bed is LOADED with the remnants of the days work, I finally sit down after a hard day and see a junk suburban on CL.. Truck full, my tank is empty.. I'm sitting on the porch telling her about this suburban.. she goes "What- You didn't call- go call that guy" I called him and a dude is on his way to get it- he'll call me if he doesn't show.. but that was an hour and a half after I 1st saw the ad.
Just thought it was funny that she was giving me guff about passing up on a vehicle.
Usually I'm the one saying- hey I need to go to such and such to go get a vehicle and I get the eyeroll.. today it went the other way!