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First off there is no lead in a zinc wheel weight. They started using zinc to get away from lead. Second, the reason bullet casters don't like zinc is that it is nearly impossible to cast good bullets with zinc in the lead mixture. Once mixed together it is very difficult to separate the lead and zinc. It is a lot easier to not mix them in the first place. Pure lead melts at 621 degrees F and zinc at 787 degrees F. As long as you keep the temperature in the melting pot in the low 700s you can just scrape the unmelted zinc ww off the top with the iron clips from the lead ww. Lead and zinc are worth more separate then melted together so no there is no reason to make mixed metal bars, especially since it is so easy to not mix them.
Find somebody who makes fishing weights or scuba weights and sell the bars to them, they are not as particular about the metal composition.