New to the site and the industry in general
Hello Guys and Gals,
My name is AJ, and I live in Northeastern North Carolina on the Albemarle Sound. I'm 31 with a wife and 3 daughters, two cats, a dog, a ferret, a guinea pig and about 20 fish. Needless to say, I need all the money I can get! I'm a web designer by trade and I recently resigned from my job as a Correctional Officer due to the high stress and strain on my family that job entails as I was at a Close Custody Prison. I've been interested in getting involved in the Scrapping business seriously for awhile now as I have a buddy who makes his living scrapping cars and such, and I see tons of scrap just laying around the area that I live. About the only thing I've scrapped consistently is aluminum cans, and various appliances with my dad. I want to do more, learn more about the different types of metals, and do my part to recycle and make some money at the same time.
I'm not new to forums, and I'm going to pour over the wealth of knowledge that is here, but if I cannot find answers to my questions or do not understand what I do find, I will be sure to ask you veterans! I'm a quick learner, and listen to what others have to say/recommend with an open mind.
I look forward to learning a lot and becoming established in my area.