Recommendation for a RAM tester?
I'm planning to start testing RAM, Hard Drives and CPUs for sale as "tested & working". In researching RAM testing machines, I keep coming back to considering setting up a motherboard with the MEMTEST PRO. One of the arguments against this was the connectors wear out with use. That's not really a problem as I'd just set up another motherboard (I manage to get a few). The other argument is that running the test takes hours vs minutes with a testing machine (MEMTEST is on a CD, runs on the computer and is like $45. RAMCHECK is a stand alone machine and costs $3700). For me, the MEMTEST seems sufficient. I'd be testing at most, maybe, dozens of sticks/wk. If I really needed to - set up another motherboard or two. WAY cheaper than $3700. Anybody use either/both? Am I missing something?