need advise on 2 tools to make my escrap go quicker
Ok so I prerused a bunch of old threads but no definative answer.
I mainly scrap ewaste and wpuld like to make some tasks go alot faster...time is money of course!
1. What is the best tool to cut computer ends off wire...flat ribbon cables and power supply (also if it can cut the entire cable bundle off the power supply even better). My hands are KILLING me with regular wire cutters. Is there a good POWERED tool I can use (and I am not setup for air powered yet)? Quicker is better.
2. The beat tool to strip low grade boards? Yes I pull socketed eproms but generally there are tatalium pieces, alum heatsinks, wires soldered to the board, and sodered eproms and ic chips. What works best to just stip the whole **** thing...I can just bag up all the residual items and include with the low grade where I sell them. I have a cheap ocillating tool but it doesnt seem to cut fast enough or all that great. Chisel works but again too slow and kills your arms after awhile. I need easy and fast.
Suggestions? I just keep growing and need to to go faster where I can keep up the $'$$ per hour. Lmk!