It's terrible all this food is wasted and not donated to the needy. I grew up hungry myself. Many hard times. Corporate greed and ignorance.
Dumpster Diving Across America | True Activist
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It's terrible all this food is wasted and not donated to the needy. I grew up hungry myself. Many hard times. Corporate greed and ignorance.
Dumpster Diving Across America | True Activist
my local convience store used to sell bread past best by date as day old bread for half price, no longer do that. Id like to see the stores that sell food send it to the food pantries a couple days before it hits the best by date.
They do that around here in a few spots, nothing wrong with freezing day old bread , take out a few slices at a time for the toaster.
I agree that wasted food is a moral crime. To continue the use of "corporate greed and ignorance" is tactic of certain political bend. Corporations are meant to do one thing that is make money for the owners of the corporations. Just like in my business and yours we do the work to make money for our uses. If owners of corporations choose to donate money(goods, services,etc) then that's nice of them to do it.
The use of corporate greed is much akin to the thought that corporations give jobs which they do not. Corporations can not operate without employees so they are not giving jobs and benefits. Pay and benefits are there just to get employees to accomplish the goal of the corporation which is to make money. To assign human morals to a corporation is again a tactic meant to cause a human reaction against corporations.
Now if you would like to discuss the waste of food then I would direct you attention to the government regulations that curtail and out-right forbid the donations of food.
Further look at the tort laws that have made the donating of food by anyone a liability claim in the making. This is where insurance companies raise the rates to cover additional liability if food is donated.
So again look to our hard working government representatives and government regulatory employees as the reason that you find so much tossed in the dumpsters. (how do you know the representatives and government regulatory employees are hard working more intrusive laws and more difficult to comply with regulations).
I whole heartily agree the food waste is terrible but your calling corporations as the culprits is mistaken. Mike
Agree with above 100 percent, my employer does a number of drives to feed needy people but we are forbidden from giving food from our cafeteria away due to liability purposes (yes we checked into it) Risk management said NO WAY..
Blame those who sue someone trying to do something nice.
Well said MikeD
The fact that food is wasted saddens me but what is worse is that the "food" we eat today unless sourced from organic sources is all POISON
That is a fact and no amount of finger pointing is gonna change it.
edit: wanted to say that myself, my mother, grandmother, and business all support the plant a row for the hungry campaign.
edit edit 9 types of cancer are linked to non organic fruits and vegetables..... food for thought
there is free food its called welfare so wasted food dosent matter, just thought id throw that out there since were talking politically now
Yeah, one day I was at my local convenience store after a can run and the lady actually had the decency before she threw it away to give me a day old gallon of milk.
Its kind of funny how we over process "food" these days and nothing in the factory is wasted (pink slime anyone) yet even when they make it last on the shelf a long time they still can't get people to buy it and eat it before it expires. McDonalds hamburger buns are so processed that they do not get mold EVER. Leave a $1 menu item wrapped on the shelf a few months and see what it looks like.
This should have been posted under "videos" as the main story goes to a video, which I didn't take time to load, and can't really comment on its content, but wow, Mike, excepting for the first sentence in yours, it reads more like a pile of political jumbo than it does a factual statement.
Sadly enough, having had to go against a couple of large corporations myself, I've seen all too well how the odds have been stacked totally against the individual.
I recall when a company or corporations primary purpose was to provide products or services, hopefully with some type of quality involved, not just to rob the till as they do today. There's certainly been a twist involved, but greed? nah! no way greed has a part in that huh ; )
Then when times get rough they give them all a hasty ax, pocket all they can grab. sell the company and send the jobs overseas
Morals?? They don't exist in corporations eh? That must be a fact as well, they must also be non-existant in the people who head those corporations too? Stands to reason. They prop up their numbers like a house of cards, manipulating them to make it all look good, when it's supported with nothing more than pure baloney, and when the numbers don't look so good they simply change the way they count the victims. No morals here nope.
Then when their house of cards come crashing down, and literally millions of their victims have paid the price for their greed and the gov't have used billions of taxpayer dollars to bail them out, they throw the taxpayers out in the street, decide it's been a rough spell, and pack up for a week away at a resort with $1000 an hour spa treatments and vote themselves Billions of dollars in bonuses. How "nice of them", but still, greed and morals could not be involved here either eh ?
Actually these companies are the main perveyors of the "blame game".
Have you never heard of the Good Samaritan laws?
"The Federal Good Samaritan Food Donation Act. On October 1,
1996, President Clinton signed this act to encourage donation of food and grocery"
Tort laws? What is a tort? One quick definition is "Torts include all negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in harm". Any and all negligence or intentional wrongs, comprising roughly 90% of civil court cases today. How large a percentage of those could there be over donated food?
The corporations, banks, and financial institutions OWN the government, and use their influence in manipulating everything to be in their favor, including the majority of laws, too many of which are bought and paid for by these institutions, and too many of which provide absolute immunity from prosecution.
You'll find no one from the poor masses courting our gov't "leaders" with stacks of cash. This is one part of how many of our "leaders" go to the hill near broke and come home "filthy" rich(filthy too often being a key ingredient), and one reason why the poor masses have no voice. Sure, they can vote, but will undoubtedly be sold out again, and again
Not since Thomas Jefferson has a US President taken a stand against these institutions, or managed a debt free government. Even the "Federal" Reserve is not "federal", but is run by the banks.
Greed? Absolutely
Morals? Absolutely none, or at most, all too precious few ; )