Greetings and Salutations! New Member Intro.
My name is James A.K.A. "scraptyrant". As far as scrapping goes, I am first and foremost an e-scrapper; I've done some precious/semi-precious metal scrapping in the past. I am an IT professional, doing extensive contracting as a software developer currently; I work primarily in the Java language. I started in IT as a hardware specialist, so e-scrapping is a good fit for me, as I generally know what I'm looking at.
I live out in the stix on the Ohio River on a giant plot of family-owned forest and riverfront land. I live in my own piece of paradise out here =) That being said, I only recently moved out here from Columbus and Lancaster, OH to take up my role as caretaker of this land, so I still have lots of contacts in the city. The closest real city to me now is Cincinnati, OH.
As an e-scrapper, I only recently did some research ad got serious about it. I plan to make it a complimentary/secondary profession, since I often am the "Computer Guy" in this area and others I have numerous opportunities to score e-scrap. I have been saving ram, processors, pci cards etc... for years piece at a time, here and there, often from personal or family machines that died. I managed to broker a deal recently for all the gear from a sunk video production company (in which I actually ended up getting PAID a significant amount to just TAKE it all AWAY!) and I have a fantastic haul coming in Monday representing a lifelong collection of computers and parts from a pack-rat friend who just wants it gone asap for space. I'll be getting 386/486 era chips and systems mostly, and some newer stuff and dead electronics as well. All pci cards and ram, and similar parts, are already in static bags which I will get as well, so this coming haul should put me in the neighborhood of a fairly serious start on an e-scrap collection, considering what I already have.
On a side note, I am also a lifelong musician who spent the last 3 years or so touring around with a locally successful rock band out of Columbus, OH called "Sever". We've been broken up for a year now and are rebuilding the band as a weekend regional project. I play just about every instrument but in Sever I play bass and sing back-up.
I decided on this Forum as my home for e-scrapping, and I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you. I have some questions about scrapping that I will research before asking lol. Thx for taking the time to read my introduction, I hope I wasn't overly verbose as I often tend to be.