I am new in this business, and I know that any scrapper that works hard, Can make money. but can any body tell me, if I will be able to make around $500 x week or better, after I get some experience in this business. Thanks.
I am new in this business, and I know that any scrapper that works hard, Can make money. but can any body tell me, if I will be able to make around $500 x week or better, after I get some experience in this business. Thanks.
$500 a week? Some scrappers make over 2k on a bad week.
some thing to consider, you will make what you put into this... if you work part time your gonna make part time money, if you work full time you make full time money. i work with a partner and we split between 200-400 dollars a day, thats 100 each. but we do not take a day off we work 7 days a week.. saving our non ferrous generally making 1000 every 2 weeks off of it.
bad thing is we end up eating fast food all day and doing alot of driving, dont have much down time during the day light and every morning my back hurts (im 27) but i have managed to save up 11,000 dollars since july of 2010
I'm not near as serious about it as some of these guys are. I work full time as a service plumber. I've been doing that for about 18 years. I scrap to pay for my toys and to make money and hide it from my wife. I got serious about it so I could pay cash for a new truck.
I don't run ads. Everything I pick up comes from tear outs and stuff I stumble across during the day. I seldom make less than 300 a week scrapping and my monthly average is just over 2200.
I'm 15 I go to school till 2:15 everyday other than that I'm always scrappin I make a bit over 1000 every month nd I put out my all but once I get a trailer I think ill start making a bit more money
Yeah depending on what you get and scrap you can make $200 + a week easy and more if you get out and get it.
im fifteen and i work full time, i make anywere from 250 to 500 a week