the end of my hiatus
So, due to a recent flare up of my health condition and also due to a new member of our family arriving I have been taking a bit of a siesta from scrapping with the exception of taking a desperate load in to make an end meet. The farm cleanout I was on got put on hold and I haven't been alley scrounging at all. I usually don't even look in my own neighborhood due to too much comp in this area. Well I guess these other guys retired. I literally searched 3 blocks of alley today and wound up filling my truck bed once each block and having to go back to unload. The first alley I took I found an entire aluminum shed that had been torn down and thrown out. Filled my truck bed until overflowing with sheet. Next block, a huge steel bbq grill and a smaller cast one, and a steel dishwasher. Third block, a refrigerator, two weedeaters, a lawnmower and three mountain bikes. For this amount to be in such a small area I'm guessing these other guys must have been slacking as long or longer than me. I'm hooking up the trailer and tearing out at 6 am sharp tommorow!
I think that the wanna-bees are afraid of the cold?
the end of my hiatus
I had a great night shopping as well, and I dont normally bother. Not sure if its competition or if there is a certain week people can throw out big stuff, but i filled up the girlfriends car, then went and got the truck and filled that up too! Feels great, don't it?
If the bikes are in decent shape you should get more the scrap for them. Guy here puts out one a week chained to his fence. usually $25-$50 depending on size. Always has a new one out every Monday. Kids ones will go fast.
So far from yesterdays pickup:
Right under 600 lbs unprep steel
9 lbs brass
6 lbs insulated
Haven't torn into all that alum yet or sold the tin. Got 4 compressors and 5 motors I picked up this morning. I'll post weight on the alum when I tear it up tommorow
the end of my hiatus
I live in a rural area and people pay for their trash service, it's not city pick up. Also nobody seems to have a consistent trash day. Should I expect to see anything out here
Not out by the curb. Try talkin to a few of them redneck boys out there they tend to have lots of "I could oneday maybe use that" laying around and even though they see value on a lot of stuff they keep, when presented with the opportunity for you to take it away for free they might find a few things they want gone. I know cuz I've been both that redneck and that scrapper.
Anyways, right under 400 lbs of mixed aluminum from that shed.
And I'm back
nice payday.
I love how I've made well over $90 just driving back and forth to work. I just take different routes.
oh, my house is .9 miles from work.