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Loading dock
Since I sold my box truck (..sigh) I am using my E150 Ford Van to pick up eWaste. Does anyone have any good ideas for safely loading a Gaylord box on a pallet, (using a pallet jack ) from a 48" high loading dock to the rear doors of a 28" high van? The goal is to safely and efficiently transfer the Gaylord/pallet while not coming across as Laurel & Hardy or the Keystone cops while the client looks on: Not winding up scattered across the parking lot is always a plus. So far I have been manually transferring the load from the dock to a box in the van. Harbor Freight ramps have been ruled out. Thanks, SMF members!
the customer doesn't happen to have a forklift, do they?
The only way I know of doing it would be to use a fork lift and not from the loading dock. Lift the gaylord from outside the building and slide it into the van.
what about a wheelchair lift setup or a liftgate. might be a bit of an expense but the years it will add to your back would be worth it.
or a chute to dump it from one to the other.
I don't think your van doors will open far enough to back up to the dock,will they? If they do maybe you could use a set of ramps, like for changing oil on a vehicle, that would raise your van about ten inches and using a dock ramp to the van that would be a 14 inch drop. It might work. I would only lift the pallet jack a little bit and kind of let it drag on the ramp on your way down and hang on!! How big a old boy are ya. Lol
I do have a SpeedPass to the emergency room...
That's what I'm doing now!
The real answer is, there is no good way. But the fun way would be just back up to the ramp and throw the stuff in. Scrapping don't have to be pretty. You might need a sheet of plywood to protect the front seat. Im a genius at brute force. Haha
What about mounting a truck mounted crane on the back of your van? (bumper)
Basically an engine hoist on a swing arm.
You could use a couple of lifting straps and swing it right in the back of the van.
Harbour Freight usually sells em for a couple hundred bucks.