Bigchris intro
Hello all. In accordance with the request of the admin I am posting my introduction post. I am new to all aspects of this. I am attempting to raise funds for a specific kind of health care for my wife, which insurance will not cover. I have a full time job with an erratic schedule so I need something that fits my and my wife's schedule. I'll give it a shot. I have access to steel racks and shelving at work. Also cords. I live in a large townhouse development and trash is put out twice a week-they put EVERYTHING out with the trash on the curb. Microwaves, fans, vacuums etc. I have four children and limited time so I'm looking to stick and move, if that makes any sense. The simpler and quicker the better.
Hey Chris. Sorry to hear you and your wife's difficulties, I hope they'll all work out. Good luck with your venture.
If you can line up buyers for for the shelving, you might get much better than scrap for those, the buyer might even come pick em up so you hardly have to touch em.
Either way man, good luck, best wishes
Chances are they put out computers too, I prefer computers to microwaves anyway. If there's a community board around there you might hang a flyer on it stating you'll recycle their old computers to keep it out of the landfill etc
Welcome to the forums from a sandbar off the coast of NC!
Like Bear, I'm also sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. Glad to see tho, your doing what you can to get her the help needed. One suggestion you might try would be a drive. Whether for ewaste, or even just regular old metal scrap. Folks like to come together for a good cause. Assuming your willing to do a thing like that, of course. I Understand it's not a easy thing be open to strangers, but..you might see better results this way.
This forum and our excellent members, will help you find the best way to max your profits in the scrap game. Whether its selling to the yard, a buyer, or getting more then scrap value for things.
Know that I'll be pulling for you and the wife.
Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler.