How Do You Actually "E-Waste" ?
I have been dealing with dead electronics for quite some time now, but have running into the same problem - how do you actually sell off all the "parts" ?
It seems like you have to live in a special area to make any kind of money doing this type of recycling.
Back a few years ago I lived in densely populated area, and use to drag home electronics from the dumpsters all the time.
Here is the process of what I did:
* The first thing I would do would be attempt to fix it and resell it.
* If I could not do that, I would strip all the working parts and see if I could sell those.
* If I could not do that, they sat around the apartment as "spare parts".
I found that no one in my area would buy anything I had.
Closest recycler I found was 4.5 hours away, and would not pay enough to profitable ship the circuit boards, Hard Drives, or anything else.
Eventually I was forced to just throw everything away as I could not do anything else. ;(
Of all the stuff that was pitched:
180+ desktop computers
20+ servers
60+ laptops
70+ VCRs
30+ DVD players
40+ assorted game systems
(A lot ) cell phones
and much more
My questions are
1: Is "ecycling" profitable in all areas, or just certain places ?
2: If it is profitable in all areas, please explain HOW (( I read the forum section - it was not helpful ))
Thank you for your time.