Ive been doing ebay , and I am in need to restock the packing tape department. What brand would you reccomend ? Or where do you buy yours ?
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Ive been doing ebay , and I am in need to restock the packing tape department. What brand would you reccomend ? Or where do you buy yours ?
Cheapest place with a lot? ;) Seriously when I was running my online site, and doing shipping, I'd just buy the big 8 to 12 roll packages of it. Either at one of the big club stores(Sames, Costco) or an office supply type place, but mail order, not from a store like staples, etc. Could use staples, etc if you take in printer cartridges. Put the money towards your tape supply.
Most the warehouses I've worked with did this also, mail order supplies. Cheaper then dealing with a retail store outfit. Just got to shop around.
Good luck with it Red.
Sirscrapalot - Nothing else in the world... not all the armies... is so powerful as an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo
This is what I use >> 2" x 110 yards Clear 2 Mil Uline Industrial Tape
I get 36 rolls @ $1.69 per roll
2" x 110 yards Clear 2 Mil Uline Industrial Tape S-423 - Uline
I use the priority stickers from the post office to seal up my packages it works great and is free.
I buy it on ebay. It is the cheapest, less than a buck a roll. If you dont do ebay then harbor freight is pretty cheap.
do u ship usps priority?
I found the quickest, cheapest, and easiest place when I was doing Ebay, was Ebay itself, for both tape, and large rolls of bubble wrap. It worked better for me even when I lived in Nashville, having it delivered right to my door, in spite of having countless office supply stores and warehouses nearby. And it most certainly worked better after having moved out in the sticks ; )
I use the free money from ink in printers at staples and get all my shipping materials for free and now since you have to buy ink to do it I buy it sell it for half price to people and still make good money since i have a network of 30 people who do this to get free ink twice a year and can turn in 300 a month that way