Has anyone here ever broken down & scrapped a Treadmill?
Just like the title says. A machine designed to waste time, to get you nowhere - literally; without it, your daily 5 mile run would get you...well...5 miles. With it, you've gotten nowhere. What a terrible invention, might as well (gently) rip it apart, I say!
But does breaking down a Treadmill leave you with a worthwhile prize? Or is it just as much of a waste of time as actually using it "as intended"?
Here is a Treadmill sitting in the dirt, covered in dirt, in my backyard (...side yard..). It has sat here for about two + years, maybe more.
Apologies for the artificial, poor quality, light. The only light source is my lizard light...I'm not sure the name, the kind with the bulb in the center of a black metal funnel, used to heat up your lizard ;)
I do all my scrap break downs in my backyard after midnight. My neighbors love (despise) me. Honesty, I am amazed the HOA hasn't told me to cease & desist my operations by now...the neighbors probably think I'm a tweaker or something. Hah
Edit/ img isn't showing? Been a while since I've done this. Here's the upload link.