I was just tossing an idea out there
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Copper closed Friday at $4.41/lb on the London Market Exchange. Not any scrap yard anywhere is getting that. A week ago, it was $4.10. The LME pricing can be used as a guide, but to say that's what they're getting is not quite accurate. If they wanted to speculate and hold a bit, they might, but they might lose, too. That's how the game is played. If you want safe assurances, go to work for wages.
I'm not looking for safe assurances, what I've always said is "the one thing you can be sure of with scrapping is that you can't be sure of anything." As I said I was just thinking out loud so to speak as to why someone would pay so much for copper on Ebay. That's all. I have a good idea how "the game is played"