Curb Trash Picking Haul!l *Pics & Video*
Benny's Scrap Thread
My Personal Scrap Thread
Trash Haul #1
"Mystery Boxes & Engine"
Isn't it just awesome when you stroll upon a scrap score unexpectedly? My first happened today. I was driving home from school (still in my volkswagen passat.. no ford yet) and suddenly saw a flash on the left of my car. I saw the top of the engine and the exhaust, standing straight up and down. I didn't slam on the brakes, i found a driveway, and made a safe #2 pass to the engine. I mostly wanted the engine, but me being a new scrapper, i took 3 misc. boxes that were overhauled with metal. So, here is what i found!
overview of the mystery boxes, can obviously see car light housings and stuff
first box, contained an antique shoe thing (comment what it is, i have no idea), silver plated spoon, and tons of misc. screws and bolts
second box, a electrical box, no switches, 4x balpeen hammers, 1 saw, 2 AMERICAN!! stanley box knives, and sharp scrap metal
Third Box, all car headlight frames and covers, look cadillac ish, and they are heavyy!
last but not least, a 10 HP Craftsman rider tractor engine. Complete, and Free! Wouldn't be surprised if it ran. Will test soon!
video of all of it
Well, thats it for today. an awesome load to end the day! Youtube link will be posted once the video is done uploading!