Another reason to deal with yards that are owner operated
I wanted to pass this on it could help you out a in manny ways. So when I was running my old yard I would come in contact with all different types of scrapers, from the guy selling five lbs of UB'S (aluminum cans) to the more experienced scraper that came into the yard on a daily or semi daily basis with some good weight on most occasions and basically carried them selfs in a lets say a professional manor, even if there loads were small they still were professional. Believe me people notice when you carry yourself in a lets say business way, the reason I am mentioning all this is that on a daily basis the phone would ring and some one would ask if we offered a pick up service, of course we served all commercial and industrial accounts, but what I am referring to is the person that says, I have some metals or appliances that I just want to get rid of, I don't want anything for them I just need them removed and I would say, this guy comes in here daily he is dependable and reliable, give him a call tell him I told you to call him to pick up your old (aluminum shutters just a example) this happens every day in every scrap yard. So now I want you to ask yourself if you owned a scrap yard are you the guy the yard would recommend to do these pick ups if you are you are probably doing theses pick ups already, and if not,,,, that's the type of image you want to project. Have some signs on your truck made, spend a few bucks on some printed tee shirts, the ones that this forum sells look great,
(A little plug for the forum) also have some recite books made and all ways give out your business cards, and always when ever possible deal with a yard that appreciates you and your business. Happy Scraping 1956