miserably down and hopeless
Cant beleive I'm posting this, but so miserable right now. Hope this is the correct forum, only place I could think for this kind of post. I fear my weakness in feeling so down and depleted is making me look even more like a loser. Somehow this thought is quite crushing!! Oh well maybe things will look better with the morning sun.
Would possibly help (not solve) if I could secure some sort of a "success." Maybe when I finally manage to get my recycling cashed in I'll have some sense of accomplishment. It's slowwwww going, just me and really limited tools and knowledge. Little space and minumum work time. Not trying to complain, just the perimeters of my situation. But the space, tools, etc just means things take a bit longer, which isnt necessarily negative.
Trying to talk myself into having some hope, it's hard at the moment. Is anyone else awake out there?
miserably down and hopeless
Cheer up brother...do you have a roof over your head?....food on the table?....a family or friend(s) that you can turn to? If you have this, you can make it through; provided you have a good work ethic and a positive attitude. You're alive...you're breathing man!!!...thank God for that!!!