How to strip BX wire
I have been searching on this forum for years now and now i figure id share my knowledge with you guys. Well today, after attempting to remove 30 feet from the casing I tried cutting it into 10" lengths, having somebody hold the bx as i pulled the wire. NOTHING !
Heres how you do it:
Grab a pair of pliers, i used channel locks, and grab the bx at the first coil. Begin to force it in different directions as if it were a copper pipe you were trying to brake. The coil will eventually come loose. The next part, watch out not to get cut ! The coils are rolled clockwise, which means you must twist the coil youre pulling in the counter clockwise direction. Its rough to do at first but it will get progressively easier. I was able to do the whole 30 foot section in about 6 minutes. After a while youll gwt it. a Hope this helps
Good method, thanks for sharing. If you have enough wire to justify buying a wire stripping machine, they'll probably be able to strip BX wire, our machines do, you'll just dull the blade quite a bit more quickly.
Thats a good idea to invest in a real wire stripping machine. Im currently using a brake flare tool kit with a razor blade positioned to cut the casing off but no way itll be able to handle steel Bx lol. But with Bx at .20\lb and thhn at 2.04/lb, you really have to strip it down or youre in for a big loss.
I've pulled about 100 feet of bx. We cut it into manageable pieces with a pipe cutter then grab'd the bx at one end and the wire with a pair of vice grips and yanked in right out. After we got the coiled fire out we chucked it into a cordless drill and unspun it
I have a nice stripper but I do not want to full the blade, I just sell as is to the yard, I may pull some when I have nothing else to occupy my time:)