Can someone spot check the prices I'm getting?
Just dropped off this load today, I'll list everything out as
type - weight - price per lb - Total
All in all the load pulled in $93.37, which while not bad I also want to make sure I'm not getting jacked by my yard and if I need to find a new one or not.... thoughts?
Steel - 305lb - .05 - $15.25
Power Cord Ends - 26lb - .25 - $6.50
#2 Copper - 5lb - 2.45 - $12.25
Copper/Aluminum Heatsinks - 5lb - .85 - $4.25
Lead Acid Batteries - 8lb - .18 - $1.44
Yellow Brass - 3lb - 1.50 - $4.50
CD-Rom / FDD - 15lb - .10 - $1.50
Low Grade Brown Board - 35lb - .08 - $2.80
PC power Supplies - 39lb - .12 - $4.68
Power Cords/Network Cable - 67lb - .60 - $40.20
(^^Graded Insulated #2 40%)