Got a new client.
In the past few weeks i've been posting business cards and fliers for junk removal and spring clean-up at various stores, bars, businesses. Got a call tonight from a guy who said he just bought 3 acres of land and said he needs it cleaned up. He says theres 3 old furnaces, a bunch of farm equipment, and a bunch of other sorts of metal just laying around, says im welcome to all of it. Hopefully theres alot of copper lol. Will get pics up when i do the job.
wow, Randy, you must be livin' right !!!
Been doing good with work the past few weeks, picked up 3 new clients in last week alone. Times were pretty tough this winter seemed like i couldnt get a lead or break anywhere, there would be nights i would go out on bulk collection night and be lucky to find a few curtain rods.
I hear you Randy. This past month has been brutal for me, too.
Winter is always tough. It's kind of hard to do a job when the metal is covered in a foot of snow.