Day started out okay. Had been working on a couple leads for some scrap steel and I made plans to pick up this afternoon. Weather was clear no snow just rain day before. Headed out and picked up 1/2 trailer of steel. Guy even gave me gas $$ which was great. Headed to another spot that I already got some steel from previously in my small truck. I purposely took my 18ft trailer back because this guy had long pipe and it couldn't come out with a small pickup. Problem is he lives up a mountain side. I decided to try and make it up the road to his place but I got stuck half way up an icy mountain road with 1/2 trailer full of steel on the truck.
What a horrible situation. Couldn't back down slow as the vehicle would slide and the trailer pulls it down the hill as it slides. Had to call a friend for help. Bags of cat litter and ice melt and sketchy sliding lasted a couple hours before we could get on the main hwy. I don't think I'm getting those pipes anytime soon!!