:recycle: New to this forum. Have gained a great interest in scrapping. Florida native. Still here. I guess I can say I started scrapping around 10 yrs old and that was 43 years ago. Collected cans for .10 cents a pound and news paper for a penny a pound. Now it's whatever I see on trash day. Any home appliance and the like. Recently tackled a pool water heater and I'm thinking the coils are titanium. Not sure how to determine this.
Greetings to the forum from Wyoming! (It's the one above Colorado). I have relatives near Tampa.
I can't help you too much on the water heater, but I'm sure someone can. There's a huge wealth of knowledge here
welcome and have fun learning
I googled titanium coils (images) and came up with a pic of seemingly the exact coils and I'm pretty confident they are indeed titanium. Now I need to find out the value
Welcome. Seek and ye shall find.