Central Jersey Scrapper
Whats going on everyone my name is Mike or 1188 thats ny number at the yard. Ive been scrapping for about 9 years now n Im totally addicted to it the money great, your always meeting new people, and the best part is you never know what your gonna find.
Seriously scrapping is a treasure hunt that you get paid for you make your own hours you're your own boss you make good money what more can you ask for . And I don't care what anybody says about scrapping I do quite well and make more than most of my friends who work a nine to five square job.
There's a lot of competition out here but once you get to meet a few of the other scrappers. It ain't so bad giving others tips and hints and learning things from each other. The only kind of scrappers I can't take are the ones who find and break things down right where they find them and leave a mess. they're the ones who give scrappers a bad name. And cause trouble for others. Lately I've been getting into more anyways instead of just scrap in all the green board for 65 cents a pound breakin it all down and finding a buyer has proven to be more efficient .
I'm always trying to learn new techniques so if anybody out there has any techniques on how to acquire more scrap or electronic scrap please let me know other than dumpster diving lol .
Here's a little about me my name is Mike I scrap in central New Jersey mostly the Brunswick areas north south east and a little in Princeton in Kingston . Like I said I've been doing it for 9 years I'm 29 at the time and I can't get enough of it it's a treasure hunt everyday.
Welcome from Central NY - I handle the E-Scrap side of things. This forum has alot of knowledge if you take the time to search for it.
Welcome from a little West of you. Hunterdon Co.
Hi Mike. Thanks for the introduction and welcome to the forum.
Welcome. I second what Matt said.
Welcome from North Carolina, I moved from East Brunswick a little over 2 years ago.
Welcome you should be able to add some and get some here.