New guy from NJ
hey I started working with my brother to help demolish our grandparents house and we've found a good amount of stuff to sell. The thing is I don't know how much this stuff is worth, which is why I'm here.
some of the stuff we found include a bunch of window weights, an old tracy sink, some re-glazed windows, a few buckets full of old circuit breakers, and finally some recessed lighting fixtures
any help or any insight to what these are worth is greatly appreciated
Sell what you can for better than scrap value. Window weights and such. After that, it is all not worth that much lately, but still all metal is money!
Move it quick, It will build up..... (It's an addiction) Oh, and Welcome From Illinois
Greetings from Wyoming!
If you have photos on some of the vintage items, someone here may be able to help there. When you've sold the high dollar stuff, I'd hold a large yard sale, and sell whatever you can. The scrap yard should be the last stop.
New Jersey is a big place... What part are you from. They don't like people from North Jersey here (AKA Giants fans) Just letting you know....LOL
Greetings from SOUTH Jersey! Use that upper right hand search window as most of your questions are waiting to be read. After that, Ask away.
greetings from the West Valley of Phoenix
A big welcome from South Jersey!!
Welcome from central NJ. Don't let the Eagles fans fool you just because they think their current undefeated record will last.