Un-boxing a 1993 Zenith Sentry 2 TV in cabinet
This my first CRT scrap.. I'm going to do a few more tonight. I got a few old circuit boards, some wires, some little metal pieces yanked off the main board, and a yoke with copper wire on it. I pulled off two large capacitors before I started, just to be safe. Not Pictured: Two small speakers in the cabinet. I had my little shop-vac handy, lots of cobwebs inside the cabinet. I accidentally let the vacuum out of the tube (This thing is heavy) but didn't bust any glass. I usually wouldn't have bothered with it, but my neighbor had put it on the curb in front of my apartment. I screwed the back on and i'ts ready to be dropped off for free disposal at the county's hazardous materials landfill.http://i.imgur.com/xcqyWiP.jpg?1http://i.imgur.com/CHTRKtm.jpg?1