Southern Indiana-Will Buy and Remove Broken Appliances and Metal Refuse
We remove and purchase your metal appliances and your metallic waste. There's not much we won't pick up in terms of metal. We're locally based in Bloomington, IN and we are a real business. Not only that, but we are willing to pay you for metal items if you have a decent quantity.
We differentiate from most Mom and Pop operations in the fact that we do recycle and we properly dispose of all your items. We're not going to show up to your home, park in the front yard, and rifle through your trash and yard debris and just take things. We want to come to your home at your convenience, in a vehicle equipped with the right safety equipment, with the right tools, and make a deal with you. Yes, we do want your metal, however you should know these ads are put up because people take your items composed of metal and sell them for profit. We'll take your items, we'll weigh them on the spot, and we'll give you money the same day. We're more than just a handshake and a subtle nod. We're legally binding and responsible. We don't just want to show up to your home one time and get things for free and run off... We want a relationship with you and we want your repeat business.
Don't get us wrong, we love picking up things for free. However, it's a rough economy out there and we're not the only ones paying bills here. So you want a few bucks? Maybe you have some debris and metal refuse just cluttering things up? Check below for a crazy long list of items we'll take. We guarantee you probably have at least two of these items if not more.
Still curious? We are definitely legit. Check us out at or become a friend and like us on facebook at
A crazy long List of things we'll take:
Appliances: Ovens, Ranges, Stoves, Washing Machines, Dryers, Microwaves, Toasters, Blenders, Mixers, Refrigerators (any size), Freezers (deep, upright or floor), Dishwashers (residential & commercial), Hot Water Heaters (any type, any model), Vacuum Cleaners
Outdoor Machinery & Equipment: Lawn Mowers (any model or type), Riding Mowers (all makes and models including the tires), Equipment Batteries (all and any), Leaf Blowers (gas or electric), Snow Blowers (gas or electric), Weed Eaters (gas or electric), Chain Saws (gas or electric), Hedge Trimmers (gas or electric), Metal Lawn Furniture, Generators, Compressors, Tools (Hydraulic, electric, gas, air ), Lawn Tractors, Pull Behind Equipment, Carts, Wheelbarrows
Heating & Cooling: Window Units, Floor Units, Commercial Units, Wall Units, Condenser Cores, Compressors, Heaters (Space, electric, gas, oil, kerosene, radiator, wall), Heat Pumps, Boilers, Oil Tanks (must be EMPTY), Duct Work, Registers, Vents, Wood Stoves, Gas Stoves, Pellet Stoves, Furnaces, Fire Place Grates and Doors
Electrical: Extension Cords, Receptacles, Switches, Any Wire (Insulated, Coated, any size), Metal Conduit Pipe, Breaker Boxes, Circuit Breakers, Ballasts, Ceiling Fans, Light Fixtures, Satellite Dishes, Transformers, Grounding and Lightning Rods, Antenna Towers, Electric Motors, Fuse Panels, Triplex Wire, Cables
Plumbing: Kitchen Sinks, Metal Bathroom Sinks, Metal Bathtubs (No Fiberglass!), Piping or Tubing (Copper, Brass, Iron, Steel, etc.), Well Pumps, Pump Assemblies, Plumbing Hardware
Tools & Maintenance: Power Tools (All), Handheld Tools (All), Empty Aerosol Cans, Awnings, Gutters, Metal Ladders, Aluminum Siding, Metal Shutters, Barrels, Drums, Kegs & Metal Buckets, Metal Fencing (chain link, barbwire, chicken, etc.), Hardware (Nails, Screws, Bolts, Hinges, Door Knobs, etc.), Metal Doors, Screen or Storm Doors, Rood Vents, Metal Roofing, Metal Shutters, Metal Window Frames, Metal Gates
Everyday Items: Aerosol Cans, Food Cans, Beverage Cans, Curtain Rods, Metal Blinds, Drums or Kegs, Coat Hangers, Pots, Pans and/or Silverware, Fire Extinguishers
Outdoor/Indoor Furniture & Recreation Equipment: Metal Buildings, Strollers, Bed & Futon Frames, Exercise Equipment, Office Chairs, Metal Desks, Metal Framed Tables, Metal Cabinets, Filing Cabinets, Safes, Metal Pool Frames, Pumps & Ladders, Box Springs, Mattresses (Removal Fee starts at $20), Metal Shelves, Metal Tent Poles and Pegs, Weights and Bars, Bicycles, Lawn/Deck/Patio Furniture, Work Out Benches, Bicycle Parts, Grills (Charcoal, Propane, Electric, etc.), Ride On Toy Batteries (Power Wheels, etc.), Horseshoes, Metal Bats, Swing Sets, Chains, Trampolines, Scooters, Basket Ball Hoops and Rims, Monkey Bars