I'll try to keep this as "family appropriate" as possible...
Well, this saturday i acquired another TV from a buddy down the street. I've torn apart many, probably, 85-90 TV's, so i'm used to it.
Before i got it, he plugged it in at his house to see if it worked. Of course, he didnt tell me this...
I tore off the back, got to snippin' wires. I had it on my tailgate. I reached across to snip a wire, and my arm brushed the skinny tube top. I felt just a small "burning" on my arm, looked down, my zipper on my wranglers met the tailgate, and BAM.
Lets just say this, ever been kicked "down there" by a body builder? No? Neither have i. But i now have a good idea what it feels like!
It shot me back a good 6 feet. I have a burn mark on the top of my head, where it tried to reach the fish hook on my hat. And a burn, um, a burn somewhere else...
Lesson of the day: TV's, they'll put yer **** in the dirt!