29 ton aluminum sailing vessel - able to scrap?
Obviously this is my first time here and posting, so please bear with me and feel free to laugh at my ignorance.
I have a 29 ton aluminum hull sailing vessel that's 65ft long. The hull is solid aluminum about 3/8" thick, and the keel is full of lead. I have no idea if it's logistically possible to scrap this vessel, and searching around online has only shown me that people scrap 15 - 20ft aluminum fishing boats, etc.
I understand I'd have to clear out all the wood/interior/other random parts, but let's assume I can get her down to just the solid aluminum hull (painted). What the heck do I do next?? Am I best to try and cut her into pieces myself then just haul all that to a scrap yard? Or should I contract the yard to come cut her up?
Do scrap yards have the capacity to take around 40,000 - 50,000 lbs of aluminum and lead in one fell swoop?
Should I go through the trouble of sandblasting the antifouling paint off and stripping down to bare aluminum hull?
What kind of prices can I get here? I've seen anywhere from $0.30 - $0.55 per pound for aluminum, through searching this forum and elsewhere.
Any help is appreciated.
29 ton aluminum sailing vessel - able to scrap?
patriot is our expert on eating an elephant one bite at a time. he also a really cool guy.
chat with him a little bit and maybe he will offer some advice
29 ton aluminum sailing vessel - able to scrap?
on a sawsall, you will want a very coarse blase like a wood with nails or even a wood blade, and use a cutting lube. the aluminum melts easily and jams fine tooth blades.
with this large of a project it is probably worth acquiring a plasma cutter and a few lessons. keep in mind you may need an air compressor to go with the plasma cutter