Tektronix 4006-1
So a couple weeks ago, I saved a Tektronix 4006-1 from the rain at the scrap yard I buy from. First glance, I see some old terminal system. This thing was made in the 70s, and of course was handled badly at the yard so it has some breaks in the case now and a few missing keys. Modem and power cords cut.
I'm looking for a valuation estimate from any vintage computer enthusiasts on the forum.
I also got another similar looking terminal with a GIANT dual floppy drive. The drive is bigger than the terminal. There are no external markings on either, so I'm going to have to open them up to see what they are. I will keep this thread updated.
So looking into the other pieces, it's a Datapoint 1800 with the drive this is NOT a picture of them. The ones I have are in poor condition. With the listings on ebay, and them not having been sold, I'd say this doesn't have a ton of value unless the drive is worth a lot. It might go into my pile o vintage stuff.
cool stuff........I also find old stuff sometimes and it is usually in terrible condition......If its not someone wants a fortune for it