Computer took a sh*t last night
My old workhorse of a laptop finally took a crap on me last night. My acer of 9+ years was running totally fine when the screen got some vertical bars and then seconds later the screen went black. I was in the middle of some business prep so naturally I pooped my pants a little bit and wondered what I lost. Luckily, it was a hardware issue rather than a HD crash. I had an old junker desktop that I did a full restore on. Hooked up the laptop HD with an old ide to usb adapter I had lying around and all info was intact. Ran out today for a new laptop. Hooked up the same old HD in an enclosure and the new laptop says "there may be an issue do you want to run a test". I'm using the restored junker to hold a full backed up copy of all that was on my dead computers drive just,to be sure. All my business info was backed up to a jump drive about a week ago so I'm not too worried about that. It's the 27gb or so of music that I don't want to give up. Lol. Perks of an ewaster. Plenty of spare equipment at hand to use in unison, restore, and make sure nothing gets lost forever. Who else has used some old scrap equipment to save some recently dead hardware that otherwise would have been lost?
Hardest part of the transition is gonna be going straight from windows xp to 10. I've been using xp since I got my old laptop the 9+ years ago. My only experience with 10 is the 3 desktop shortcuts I use at work about every 3 days at the most. I barely have the new one set up and already it looks like Japanese to me. Lol.
Computer took a sh*t last night
I have used plenty of old machines. infact the "old, outdated" machines seem to last longer and run better than most of the newer stuff.
I currently have a old dell d630 upgraded to windows 7 laptop in use as my "media center" for music, movies and browsing streaming media. it was a free one someone recycled only because of age. no issues. just older.
I use many of the old computers I get arount the house for same reason. They work just fine.
I have a old 500mhz p3 with 512mb ram and no hard drive set up as a firewall / router. pretty low specs but great plenty for its use. even if they can knock it off line it just reboots off cd to same setup and severs connection to my private network. so win win for me.
one I have set up as a main storage server (2.73ghz p4 single/ 2gb ram 8 hdds total. 6 for a total of 2tb data space and a pair of 40gb drives as main / cloned backup for OS. the clone only connected while no network is connected and storage is unplugged to backup or restore.
those will give ya an example of how these older " outdated dinosaurs" are plenty usable yet.