What is the best way to strip insulated wire? I have tried to make one with legs broken off of an old chair and drilling a hole in it and screwing a razor blade into it. I've seen the stripmeister but have 2 kids and a 3rd on the way.
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What is the best way to strip insulated wire? I have tried to make one with legs broken off of an old chair and drilling a hole in it and screwing a razor blade into it. I've seen the stripmeister but have 2 kids and a 3rd on the way.
Thank you
oh that's the best way of all is to have your kids do it for you lol just kidding (unless there at least 10) lol
I'm kind of in the same boat minus the kid part. I was thinking of spending a little money on this one:
New Manual Cable Wire Stripper Copper Wire Stripping Machine Metal Recycle Tool | eBay
I work out of my garage and will just be stripping computer wires.
what kind of wire are you trying to strip? hard wire or smaller braided wire?
E-waste wires with the biggest probably Power cords from radios and tvs and things like that. Not really big stuff.
I bought a stripper like Capitalrecovery showed from a seller on Ebay. Cheap with free shipping. Having never even seen one I was able to set it up and in about 10 minutes strip over a pound of bare bright. I have about 500 pounds more insulated wire yet to strip. Guess by the time prices go back up I will be almost ready.