Mixing Aluminum
Anyone know what the content is considered with mixed aluminum? Throwing in, your cast with random painted aluminum extrusions ? Lamp fixtures, and motorcycle hand breaks, for the case example? along with plate. Just tossing it all in.
I'm not concerned at this time of "Maximizing" my scrap metal by separating a few lbs here and there for the little bit of scrapping I do.
Last time I took in aluminum there was only a one penny difference in pricing between the cast and sheet. My yard has minimal classifications. But if you are only looking at losing a penny a pound, why bother separating? Just make sure there is no iron in the mix.
The lamps are probably Zinc, FYI.
never sell mixed aluminum, you are leaving money on the table, if that is all your yard buys. find another yard,
aluminum at the retail ranges from $.05 for transmissions to $.45 for clean extrusions (sounds like there is a way to make great money selling mixed Aluminum if you have a bunch of transmissions right??? show up you will be told no.) Yards dont lose money
V/r HT1
Some yards specialize in certain Aluminium's.
Mine pays more than usual for all Ali, and extra for Ali cans.
I will get NZ$1.50/Kg for extrusion and $1.10- $1.20 for cans. Cans are normally NZ0.98cents/Kg
They also pay extra for Ali car rims (NZ$2/Kg), but they have to be 'reconditional', they send them to the middle east to be cleaned and reused.
They do not pay extra for Ali lawnmower chassis though, I was surprised they didn't.
My other yard paid $2/Kg. They saved it up and sold it direct to the lawnmower chassis casting company. They said "There's extra Copper in it because of corrosion protection".
Its noticeable heavier than normal cast Ali.
Some places may pay extra for Aluminium heatsinks. I have only just found this out.
I still separate my Ali's, even if there's not much difference. It might make a $ difference to my scrap buyer somehow, keeping them happy is a good thing.
And since I only sell Ali when I have several sacks full, the more sacks (classes of Ali) the more scrap I have to sell.
I keep all mine together , I make a better weight as I don't often have a lot of Aluminum
Got to keep them separated!
I separate but it's only to keep them happy. They pay the same for cans as they do for extruded and even pot metal.
Yet every time I call for their aluminum price they say, "Whaddaya got?"
"Does it matter, ya goofballs?" :&