Hobby metal caster looking to buy metal (SE WI)
Hi, everyone. First, I'd like to thank the forum admins for quickly helping me solve a registration issue.
Several years ago I started casting metal, but it kinda fell by the way side. I'd like to get started doing it again. One of the issues I had was finding metal. One scrap yard I went to didn't want me in their yard, they were worried about liability if I hurt myself. Another yard it was "We just sent that out, come back X day," over and over again, even though I could see their pile and it was the same stuff as the last time I was there. Etc. Just seemed like I was wasting time. So I'm hoping I can find someone here who's happy to sell me metal. I'm not trying to be cheap, I just don't want to waste my time driving around for nothing or being given the run around by yards. I don't have a scale or anything, I'm hoping we can just look at some stuff and say "How about X $?" So I'm sure that gives you the opportunity to sell at above-yard prices.
I'm mostly looking for aluminum. But if I had some, I'd eventually like to start trying lead, bronze/brass/ and various copper alloys, zinc, and magnesium (I am aware of it's flammability).
I am in Muskego, WI, a little southwest of Milwaukee, WI. I have a van and can pick up, or you can drop it off by me, whichever. I see 3 members on the map around here, but 2 are inactive, and the third guy seems to do "e-waste", which I think is not what I'm looking for. So if there's anyone around here interested, let me know. Thanks, everyone.