Good outlet for Shredded Iron?
Hi guys. New to the forum. I'm the owner of a mildly successful metal recycling yard in PA. Pretty much a middle man, or feeder yard for larger companies.
I've recently been given (what I think) is an opportunity to expand my business and profit margin. A friend of mine pretty much is giving me his hammermill shredder, after deciding to close his yard and retire. I know they are a lot of work and maintenance, but I think the return can be quite profitable. Being new to that side of the business, I would be looking for an outlet for the shredded iron/tin. I've talked to 3 companies sp far. Eastern Metal, Sims, and Weitsman. As a wholesaler now, I'm getting $129 (as of today) per gross ton. If I shred, the end product would be worth anywhere from $170-180/gt. Does anyone know of anywhere else to get pricing? Or are those guys my only option?