What was the one load that you had to go get/pick up that you thought one thing but once you started moving things around you just about had your jaw drop?
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What was the one load that you had to go get/pick up that you thought one thing but once you started moving things around you just about had your jaw drop?
Well an old couple wa moving and saw usscrapping their neighborhood one evening, they gave us a wrought iron railing and then said that soon they will have a fridge for us to pickup. So i said alright and gave them a card and said thank you, a day later they call and say its on the sie of their house allong with some other junk.... so We show up with an empty truck (thank God) and see that they have 2 fridges a freezer, (a big one too) a washer and Dryer and a under the counter trashcompactor. I actually have a cabover ladder rack on my truck so we wound up putting the dryer on it just to get everything to fit, I made about 160 of that one. And then one evening I was scrapping and saw a house with the whol curb piled in trash and start poking around and throw some random steel scrap into the truckthen find a box full of wires, made 45 off a bucket of number one i stripped and then another 15 of junk wire that was in there.
I have a regular account with a welding shop. In the mix once was 2 five gallon buckets of used up plasma cutter tips.
c4f5...please explain to us less experienced folks what plasma cutter tips are. Thanks.
Copper if i'm not mistaken.... the ones i'm familiar with are copper with ceramic on the outside I believe.
Yes they are copper. I've cashed a few of those suckers in.
i havnt had any of those yet. but hopefully soon.
Well when i first started scrapping, id go around town collecting a bunch of tin and load it on my 15 ft trailer. I usually guess what im going to make before i bring it in, and i thought it was going to be $70. I get there and ended up with $250. I think thats the happiest ive ever been lol. Now i can usually guess and get it +- $20 off. takes the fun out of it really
Sorry, I'm late. Yes indeed they are #1 copper. The 2 buckets were a lil over 90 pounds.
A plasma cutter would be nice, but is way too rich for my blood. The tips may or may not be available with ceramic coatin. I could not honestly say. These were #1. No proccessing needed. Made my week.
Got 2 commercial freezers. One opened & from the stench, I freaked because for all I knew, it could be a body... It was only a two#, 5-yr-old pack of hamburger- yum. Burned my eyes like ammonia... Clean it up? Yep. It's a 1000#- I ain't proud... Sooo wanted to park it in the driveway overnight with that freezer cracked open just a little so the fragrance would just kinda waft over to the neighbors'. Payback for all those parties with tasteless music...
I went with my dad to pick up a wad of wire a month or 2 ago. I was expecting 50# of crap wire. We got there and it was a twisted wad of at least 200# of thick copper wire. I'm still working on stripping it
wow some really good scores here. I got alittle busy there an so I was unable to post there. But one of my biggest scores was a few months ago when I first started my company I was called to go haul out a room...I get there and its a working server room they told me to remove EVERYTHING it was all mine...free...they needed it all cleaned out for all brand new stuff. So I was like WTF wow. So I get the biggest u-haul trailer I could rent and load it up and even before I get it back to my home to scrap it out someone stopped me and asked me what I was going to do with it...I said scrap it...they about freaked out...they paid me 2,500 for it an they unloaded it. So I then told them I had about 1 more trailer load of the same stuff....they paid for that to....I was like NICE Made around 4 grand that I used to buy my 18foot trailer (has 7foot high walls 6.5foot feet wide tandem axles under it each axle being ratted for 9,000 pounds) That trailer has now paid for it self many times over...I just need to get a truck that can pull it when I LOAD that sucker up.
I was going through a load of old test equipment last night and scored about a dozen and a half old fairchild and intel IC chips, listed them on ebay last night, and they closed within the hour. Within 2 hours of opening the first box paid for the load, got about 6 more boxes to go through!
Ebay Listing
Probably could have gotten more, but was testing the waters on them, the next batch I list will be for 50!
Plus I've got about 10 pounds of older motorola, and toshiba IC chips out of that box.
My biggest surprise was an old air conditioner, at least that is what we think it was. We got hooked up with a guy who had one of those yards, you know the ones that I am talking about, the ones that make a hardcore scrap junkie drool when they drive by. Anyway, I went up and knocked on the door and asked about the scrap...>The guy came out and said sure, if we would clean up his yard for free we could have all the scrap...So my buddy and I walked the property with the guy and he pointed out one or two things he wanted and the rest was ours. We came across this thing that looked like an air conditioner without the outer shell. We loaded it up and took it back to the garage, thinking that the radiators were going to be the standard copper aluminum deals...Boy were we wrong...Both of the rads were all copper! We were stoked....This was a lot of years ago, when copper was at $.90 per pound and we were still thrilled (we were getting 1/2 cent per pound for steel at the time) I can't remember what we got for those rads but it was a great find for us
My best suprise so far wasn't picked up as scrap, but I figured if the first two options didn't work out they could be scrapped. I was at an auction and a "lot" of items came up from a mortuary that had closed. My kid builds props and acts in haunted houses during halloween so I thought he might be able to use some of this stuff. The "lot" had many items someone would need to start their own dead guy business like silk flowers, church pews, asst stands, folding casket cart(church truck) and a old embalming machine complete with tools. Everyone was kind of freaked out and the bidding stalled at $50 so I jumped in and went back and forth with one other guy in $10 increments until he bailed at $120 for everything. Church pews and misc stuff covered the cost of the auction price and after doing some research on the cart and embalming machine I decided to put them on Ebay...cart sold for $375 and the embalming machine for $600. I included a Youtube video of the embalmer working since it was quite old. Both items sold to people in California, not sure what they wanted them for.
^^^You probably don't want to know, lol.
Found what looks like an original painting from Ow-U-Te-Wa. It is being remounted, and the frame strengthened. Beautiful piece of art. I will post a picture once the framers get one to me. This guy has stuff at the Smithsonian.