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AWESOME article! Very inspirational and interesting story.
I thought it sounded familiar.
thanks to both of you for posted this...I wonder if any of our members go to her yard ?
Great story!
Havent seen that before. Come to think of it, we have a United Metals yard here. Interesting.
I live about 15 miles from that yard, however I don't go to it because there is another yard about 10 miles from my house. I have, however spoken to some of the people that go to the yard I go to and some have said that they had felt short changed price wise at that other location. Other people I have spoken to have said that they don't like the fact that they don't let you see your weights on the scale rather give you a ticket at one window and you go to the next one to get paid. She must be doing something right though because they are huge. Personally I like the one I go to better because its much smaller and I have a good relationship with the yard guy and the scale is right next to the window where you get paid and the owners are two brothers who are always on site, they manage the cash register. To me sometimes a smaller family feeling is better, don't feel like I'm getting screwed over when I can see my stuff on the scale and watch the man do the math with my weights and prices.
As a woman in this business I say way to go! Business practices change over time as do prices, and I don't know about some of you, but I know of a few people who go to my yard that would say they got the shaft no matter what they got paid. Newbies! Thank you for the article, I llive for inspiring stories.
D.R.E.A.M. E-Cvoery LLC
I now currently go to that yard. Its only 11.5 miles from me. GREAT people, honest, and pay better than ANY yard around. They keep their yard clean, and the appearance of the employees is clean, too. Not that its really that important, but it shows a little more professionalism.
I agree with the scale, thing. They dont have a marquee that shows your heavy/light weight. But i feel they are honest, the prices are spot on to what the weight on my receipt is.
All in all, seems like a great yard to me.