My wife, the crash test dummy...
At the scrap yard Steph and I had a miscommunication while unloading a partially disassembled Saturn. We were on a hill, the trailer ramps were down, the low end of the car was unstrapped, I told her to hold the brake. What she heard was get in the car and take the parking brake off. As soon as I released the other strap it took off like a rocket. She kept screaming, "It has no brakes". It did, it had a parking brake that worked very well. Since she had taken her hand off it, and something had fallen over it, there was no stopping. The big scrap yard loader was about 20 feet away from the trailer waiting for us to unload. Fortunately he was able to slam the forks on the ground before she got there.
She slammed into the loader, and it looked like something out of a cartoon. The hood flew off, both doors opened, the front suspension collapsed and the tires fell out flat, and the engine came out. I wish I had a camera. She was unhurt, and found it funny.