I thought a thread showing things being sold for more than scrap value would be beneficial, feel free to show any items you may have bought or sold via craigslist . I’m mostly focused on selling but all pictures and story’s welcome , more pics the better . I started selling locally in a attempt to clean up around the place and offset lost income due to the current events . So here is the first thing I listed , I received over 20 inquiries the first day and it was sold within the week .
1997 jet ski with dual tandem trailer , needs a little love . Has sat for a few years , did have to replace a tire on the passenger side . Believe it or not buying a new rim with tire was cheaper than buying just the tire and remounting it . Crazy right ?
Also if anyone else is posting pics thru imgur , after you upload your pictures You can set your size to medium thumbnail and just add the direct link ( copy and paste ) using the picture frame in the task bar above your post using preview post . Gives you the same size pics I’m using .