Trash Night Treasure
Was a good run tonight. Spent 3 hours with the daughter hitting the hood. Came up with a Mower, file cabinet, dishwasher, microwave,2 vacuums, perfectly good 2 foot wooden step ladder, an awesome wood trunk, BBQ, record player/stereo, and about 500 lbs or so of just scrap metal. Get to tear it all apart tomorrow after work. Was a good night though all in all.
Dang!! Wish people here would throw away stuff like that!
Awesome. I love the way you include your daughter. She probably learns more from a night working with you than she could in any school day.
great take....I bet your daughter got hooked on scrapping if she wasn't already.
Thanks. Yeah I make her go with me and help because she needs money for her basketball camps and such. So trash night pays for her stuff so I make her help.
Nice haul! I love to see family members being involved too!