Finally a small vacation!
Well the wife and I have finally decided to take a small vacation.....So Monday morning we are heading out to hit up a small casino about 2 hours from our house.
Normally we go to the one that is in Anderson, Indiana but we never seem to win anything in that place. They advertise that they have the "Loosest Slots" in Indiana but as soon as I walk in those slot machines pucker up like a snare drum.
Any of our Indiana members had any luck at the Indiana Live Casino? I have heard some good things but also some bad.
We were going to head down to the boats on the Ohio border but they are quite a ways further away. We would rather not waste our entire vacation in the car if at all possible.
Anyone have any casino stories to share? My best win was $5000 on a quarter machine in the Blue Chip Casino in Michigan City, IN....That was back before the casinos started moving towards the lower value slots. I was down to my last $20 and decided to do a max bet spin once before I left and BANG! The machine went goofy and I was set. I cashed out and left in a big hurry before I had a chance to lose my new found wealth :cool: