Possible new source for escrap
I do some small scale escraping. In fact all of my scraping is small scale since I don't even own a truck, but I may have just stumbled on a gold mine. (literally)
A lady who volunteers where I work was talking about a charity she works with and how she helps run a once a year gigantic rummage sale and how stuff is dirt cheap. I asked if they get computers to sell and she said they used to but they have to sell everything in like a week and the computers never sold so they won't take them for donations any more.
I offered to pay $5 each for any whole computer tower they got and she was ecstatic at the idea that they could take them and have a source to get rid of all of them for some money.
Maybe you guys have similar situations where you live. Cheers!
each board or each box 12 /15
each board or each box 12 /15