Hello, my name is Brent, AKA "I29North". Why I29North? That is because many of the other forums I am a member of (Truck, Motorcycle, ATV, Hunting, Antique Steam & Gas Engines, etc) have a large US membership. Throughout conversations on these I would be asked, where is Winnipeg?, so I just started telling those who asked, get on I29 and keep coming North.
My experience as a scrapper started at a very young age, as my Father started his business of buying and selling scrap metal as well as a metal fabrication shop in 1968. My brother and I had the job of recovering copper, aluminum, and brass from anything in the loads.
I didn't follow in his footsteps as my brother did, and I now work for an international company HQ'd in Winnipeg. Here I have a few choices of metal scrap yards to sell loads to, with the closest being only 5 minutes from my home and work. I just need a different avenue for e-scrap, especially now that I have three gaylords full of Mainframe Servers, PCs, Laptops, motherboards, finger boards, LCD monitors and of course CRTs. That is why I'm here.
I have already contacted some of the e-scrap buyers by private message through this forum and look forward to doing business with some very soon.
I tried uploading pics to this message and due to my limited computer skills I lost the entire post and had to start over. I will try posting them in a separate message in the appropriate section.
That about does it for now.