Are there any good deals left...?
I think so...
This post is for those of you who's having trubles sourcing e-scrap.
I myslef in a similar situation these past few weeks... but long time ego i've learned:
Patience and a respectful attitude toward sellers is the key for great deals.
for the batch below, i had to drive 30 miles and spend 1 1/2 hours of my day.
Apparently, i was the only one that agreed to his price for the CPU's, everyone else offered him less (i know... wait for it...)
Because of that, he also offered me 13.5 lb of memory sticks, even though i couldn't give him the very better price then he could have get from other buyers. Just for agreening to his cpu's prices and some free scrapping pointers i handed out to him.
Ohh yea,,, the prices...
The CPU's - 86$, I rekon it is about 7-7.5 lb total.
The memory sticks - 35.5$ for 13.5 lb total.
So i say, do not despair.
good luck and god bless you all.